
Bluestacks installer says file is corrupt
Bluestacks installer says file is corrupt

bluestacks installer says file is corrupt

  • Go to Settings on Android and tap on Apps.
  • you can easily solve the error by clearing the cache partition of Play store. Over time the cache partition of the Play store gets corrupted which keeps the APK file from installation and showing the “There was a Problem Parsing the Package” pop-up error. Install the app on PC using an emulator like Bluestack to see if the apk file does not contain any error. You can also see the download file size to confirm if the file is not incomplete or corrupted. The best option is to try downloading the app from an official source like play store. APK app downloaded from third-party source is sometimes tend to contain malware as well. Sometimes a corrupt APK file can also return you the parse error while installing.
  • Restart the device and see if the problem is resolved.
  • Toggle button ‘on’ to ‘enable the USB debugging’.
  • Open ‘ Developer options‘ and find ‘USB Debugging mode’.
  • Once activated, go back to settings and scroll down to find ‘Developer options’.
  • Scroll down and find ‘Build Number’ and tap 7 times to enable developer options.
  • To enable the debugging mode you are required to enable the developer options first.

    bluestacks installer says file is corrupt

    It is suggested to try enabling the debugging mode and install the app if the above method didn’t work for you. Users have reported that enabling the USB debugging has solved the parsing error on their Android phones. Restart the device and install the app to check if the parsing error is gone!.

    bluestacks installer says file is corrupt

    Toggle the button on to allow the app installation from Unknown sources.Scroll down and find “Install unknown apps”.Tap on the Biometrics and security option.Whenever you attempt to download and install an app from Play store a pop-up error “There was a problem parsing the package” is propagated and keeps you from installing the app. You might have encountered the parsing error on android while installing the apps on Android. How do I fix there is a problem parsing the package?.What does it mean there is a problem parsing the package?.Method 5. Download the compatible version.

    bluestacks installer says file is corrupt

    Methods To Solve There was a Problem Parsing the Package Problem.App Not suitable With Current version of Android OS Whats causes the “There was a problem parsing the package” Error.

    Bluestacks installer says file is corrupt